From A to Artist

Record your vocals @ home!


Record your vocals at home! .   How about improving your recording skills? ;)   Being able to record your voice yourself in your home studio is really the ultimate goal for every singer. But it turns out not to be that easy for many. That's why Kris and I are happy to share some of the basic skills you need to get started recording your own voice. We immediately resumed these basic skills into 4 teaching videos, which I am very happy to share with you! Enjoy! Tiffany Choosing the right studio microphone   [...]

Record your vocals @ home!2022-03-21T11:23:47+01:00

YES! Everyone can learn to sing


YES! Everyone can learn to sing The key question that I must of course answer in my blogs is: “Can everyone learn to sing”? Once and for all I want to shout (healthy): YES, anyone can learn to sing! Or do you prefer something more nuanced? Then this is my answer: 97% of the population can learn to sing. The remaining 3% appears to be tone deaf. (musicality) Yep, you read that right! The 97% non-tone deaf people can therefore absolutely learn to sing, provided they learn to control the correct muscles in combination with strengthening their [...]

YES! Everyone can learn to sing2020-11-04T13:34:46+01:00

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Lippeloseweg 44 - 2890 Sint-Amands

Phone: +32(0)32980494

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Web: Mind The Voice

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