QiWAVE is a groundbreaking, revolutionary 360° method developed by Mind The Voice. This innovative approach is a biofeedback system with 3D technology that integrates physiological biodynamics, energy meridians, psychosomatics, and both non-verbal and verbal communication, all according to the Mind The Voice method.

Why Qi and WAVE?

The term Qi in QiWAVE refers to the classical definition of vital energy, which influences both physical and mental health. Blockages in the energy flow can lead to asymmetries and imbalances in mobility and stability. However, Qi also stands for KI, or kinetic energy—the energy released during movement, as understood in the sports world. KI is essential for physical performance and the optimal functioning of the kinetic chain, where ground reaction forces are used to build and transfer energy throughout the body. Every muscle activation contributes to the efficient transfer of energy through the kinetic chain, enabling movement and stability. Muscle groups must work together optimally to allow energy to flow efficiently through the body, ensuring the well-being of the voice, body, and mind.

The term WAVE symbolizes the constant flow of both Qi and KI within the body. At the same time, WAVE refers to sound waves, as QiWAVE directly connects the voice to the body and mind. The voice acts as a barometer for your physical and mental well-being. Through an in-depth analysis of the voice, underlying, often unconscious blockages in the body and psyche can be revealed. This allows not only the identification of these blockages but also targeted treatment and resolution.

The term WAVE also refers to the detailed analysis of the voice, with the goal of better understanding and training specific vocal tones. By utilizing formant training and real-time biofeedback of both body and voice, the voice can be stabilized, vocal issues can be mapped out, and the vocal color palette can be further expanded.


Discover how real-time biofeedback and advanced technology can optimize your performance and eliminate blockages for lasting results.


  • Real-time biofeedback of both body and voice makes it possible to stabilize the voice, accurately map vocal issues, and further expand and optimize the voice’s tonal palette.

  • Kinetic chain: Optimization of energy transfer within the kinetic chain, leading to improved movement, stability, and vocal strength.
  • Vocal Frequency Mapping: Real-time analysis and optimization of vocal frequencies, focused on understanding and training vocal issues, enhancing vocal stability, and expanding the tonal palette of the voice.
  • Formant Training: Training focused on optimizing formants—the resonance areas of specific vocal frequencies that define tone color and resonance. By precisely training these frequency regions, vocal clarity, projection, and flexibility are enhanced, leading to a more powerful and richer voice without strain or vocal fatigue.
  • Postural Optimization: Improvement of posture by optimizing body alignment and muscle balance, which is essential for efficient breathing, vocal production, and releasing energy blockages in both body and mind.
  • Psychosomatic Integration: The interaction between mental, emotional, and physical processes, identifying and resolving mental blockages and emotional tensions stored in the body. This enhances energy flow, resulting in freer vocal expression, improved physical performance, and a better balance between mind and body.

  • Asymmetry Correction: Identification and correction of asymmetries and imbalances in mobility and stability, leading to more efficient movement dynamics and improved support for vocal performance, as well as mental-emotional balance.

“Tiffany not only saved me from the fear that my voice wouldn’t make it through the next shows, but also gave me the strength to visualize ‘I’m worthy of my power as a performer.’ It was the miracle I needed to reduce stress and anxiety, and transform my vocal cords into power muscles…”

“Finally, a vocal coach who listens to what I need as an artist! After all these years, I’ve finally found someone who helps me truly understand my voice and body, so I can give the best version of myself on stage. With Tiffany, your vocal technique is tailored to you, and you really learn to connect your body, mind, and voice.”


“Mind The Voice! Why didn’t I go sooner?! Not only has my singing improved, but I’ve also been coached in so many different skills—from vocal coaching to songwriting sessions to performance coaching. Every session with Tiffany is unique and tailored to my specific needs at that moment.”


“Choosing Mind The Voice was the best decision I’ve ever made for my voice. Tiffany taught me many technical exercises to sing without losing my voice, and also how to relax my mind and body to hit the right notes effortlessly. Singing with this method has been an amazing experience.”

“Tiffany makes you believe in your own strength. She shows you that you’re even stronger than you ever thought and gives your confidence a boost. On top of that, she gives the best vocal massages to connect body, voice, and mind.”


“I’ve worked with several other vocal coaches before, and I have to say that the way Mind The Voice combines vocal techniques with mindset exercises and physical performance is, without a doubt, the best possible way to coach singers in any genre.”


“I’ve been singing for years, but since being coached by Tiffany, I’ve seen my potential grow tremendously in a very short time. She finds the exercises that work best for you to maximize your technique because she doesn’t believe in limits. She boosts your mindset, ensures your body is ‘performance-ready,’ and selects the exercises that suit you best as a vocal performer, turning your weaknesses into strengths.”


“Tiffany is so much more than a vocal coach. And she’s probably the best at that too! She understands how the body and mind need to work together to make you the best singer you can be and works towards that. She’s the one I call in those moments of panic we all know as singers. Then she works her magic and makes you sing better than ever before.”

“Tiffany’s lessons strike the perfect balance between using the voice correctly and training the mindset. I had always used my voice in a limited way, but with the Mind The Voice method, I can now get so much more out of it. The combination of Tiffany’s know-how, dedication, and winning mentality is perfect for me.”

“Singing is not just about technique; Tiffany’s holistic approach has helped me work on chronic hyperventilation, which led to a greater vocal range and control. Oh, and she’s also really fun, which always helps you feel more at ease as you reach for high notes you never thought you could hit.”