Chinese medicine and acupuncture Osteopathy and micro-osteopathy Manual therapy and physiotherapy

Xavier Le Clef is the founder of the holistic institute “Xavier Le Clef” and is specialized in treating the voice. As an acupuncturist, osteopath and physiotherapist, he looks at the patient as a whole: his holistic approach is central to his treatment. With his 20 years of expertise in so-called alternative medicine, he offers a wide range of healing methods within his practice such as acupuncture, (micro) osteopathy, manual therapy, general physiotherapy, lymphatic drainage and much more. His experience in the theater, dance and music world and his holistic vision provide a strong alliance for treating voice patients as well as voice professionals (singers, (voice) actors, teachers, etc.). Together with Mind The Voice he strives to get the best out of the voice.

“Striving for excellence so that singers & actors can reach their full potential.”

Which symptoms can be threated?  Symptoms and voice complaints such as voice fatigue, hoarseness, pain and discomfort feeling in the throat, the feeling of swelling or goiter in the throat, voice complaints, dryness in the throat, broken sounds but also so many other symptoms such as tension of the temporomandibular joint, neck and shoulder complaints , tension in the base of the tongue, breathing complaints, etc.

Most symptoms can be associated with underlying causes such as, for example, vocal cord lumps (nodules), an unhealthy use of the voice, or tension at the musculoskeletal level. However, in practice we often see people where completely different symptoms move them to us such as fatigue or renal insufficiency and only later develop voice problems as a result. Cause and effect often alternate. Only in a holistic way can we carry out a perfect treatment. Chinese medicine will approach this with herbs and needle techniques. Osteopathy will then focus on perfect mobility of all these structures. After all, a healing process can only be started if we give the body the opportunity to consider the body as the greatest ally.

“The voice gives sound to the word, to the vocals, it is as much rhythm as melody, it represents that beautiful symbiosis between body and soul that can finally personify itself .

Can we still dissociate the voice from what is being said at all? Isn’t she the ultimate essence, which is brought to life as an intimate fragment that we let out through our mouths, a poorly kept secret that tells us more than a long speech which resembles more the laughter of a glass that breaks?

The voice gives sound to the word, to the vocals, it is as much rhythm as melody, it represents that beautiful symbiosis between body and soul that can finally personify itself without de-“de-” -ching “itself.

Can we still dissociate the voice from what is being said at all? Isn’t she the ultimate of the essence, brought to life in spite of ourselves as an intimate fragment that we let out through our mouths, a poorly kept secret that tells us more than that one long speech more like the laughter of a glass that breaks? “


Antwerpen – Berchem

Lysenstraat 40 2600 Berchem