Our breath is with us without interruption, from birth to the moment we take our last breath. Yet many people breathe unconsciously throughout their lives and therefore sometimes not in the right way. Relaxed breathing therefore sometimes seems an art. By following breath coaching or breath therapy you will learn to find the power of your breath and to use it in your daily life. When you start integrating the correct breathing every day, you will experience many benefits. The breathing is more than just inhaling and exhaling, it is the bridge between body and mind. Eastern forms of movement such as yoga, tai chi and chi kung, as well as mindfulness and other forms of meditation, have been understanding the connection between mind and body and our breathing for longer than today. Just think for yourself: when you are tense, you will mainly breathe short and high in the chest, while breathing slowly and low when you are sitting comfortably in the seat. With stress, anxiety or anger, your breathing rhythm will accelerate, while you hold your breath when you are startled or perform an action. Your breathing follows YOU. Your breathing follows YOUR state of mind. But the reverse is also true: teach YOU to breathe your breath, then emotions and tensions will decrease and you will feel fresh, energized and relaxed again. Learning to breathe consciously takes away stress, improves resistance, improves balance and improves overall health. The basis of a healthy life.
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