Health to the Voice

Improve your vocal power? Focus on your psoas!


PONYTALES IMPROVE VOCAL POWER? FOCUS ON YOUR PSOAS. The what? The psoas ;-) For those who haven't heard of this remarkable muscle, it plays a crucial role in your physical stability, vitality, and even trauma processing. Did you know that a tense psoas can be responsible for a wide range of issues? Let me take you on a journey to give some extra attention to the psoas, also known as the iliopsoas muscle. From vocal problems to lower back and bladder issues, the impact of this muscle is immense. Let's take a closer look at its influence on [...]

Improve your vocal power? Focus on your psoas!2024-06-24T14:41:53+02:00

Breathe in. Breathe out. Because this is how you will sound.


SINGINGMAG BREATHE IN, BREATHE OUT. BECAUSE THIS IS HOW YOU WILL SOUND. You probably already knew that singing and breathing are linked. But did you know that your voice color depends on which muscle groups you engage in your breathing? Yep! you got it! It goes even further. If you have already seen our TikTok account or before/after reels on Insta, you will see that there is some "vocal magic" during my vocal coaching. I touch the singer, and he sings better. ;-) Well, I do this because activating certain muscles unlocks frequencies in the voice that [...]

Breathe in. Breathe out. Because this is how you will sound.2022-05-08T10:39:53+02:00

Your real competition is your competitive mind.


SINGINGMAG WHY YOUR COMPETITIVE MINDSET IS KEEPING YOU SMALL. Do you know this kinda feeling? Easily singing the high notes in the shower, but going into a "freeze" reaction when you need to do it for an audience. The performance phenomenon that every singer is familiar with. But the opposite is true: the less hard we try to sing beautifully, the better it gets! Our competitive mind keeps us small. How exactly does this work? As I mentioned in my first book, singing is like the laws of life. Do you know the feeling that when you [...]

Your real competition is your competitive mind.2022-05-12T09:10:32+02:00

Bubbling for the voice ?! Lax Vox ?! An effective way to restore your voice!


PONYTALES BUBBLING FOR THE VOICE!? RECOVER YOUR VOICE WITH LAX VOX! Many singers know it, many singers use it. The famous bubbling through a tube! Bubbling through a tube is an effective and efficient way to relax and recover your voice when you have overused it or when you are sick. You might also know it by the name "Lax Vox". Lax Vox literally means 'relaxation of the voice' and is a voice therapy for both speakers and singers. It works very simply. You sing or make sound through a tube that is partially submerged in water. [...]

Bubbling for the voice ?! Lax Vox ?! An effective way to restore your voice!2024-03-11T15:13:46+01:00

A vibrator for your voice as a new best friend!?


SINGINGMAG A VIBRATOR FOR YOUR VOICE AS NEW BFF. Yes, you read that right. One of the must-haves at Mind The Voice is undoubtedly the famous “vibrating egg”, read: vibrator. I did not invent its use for the voice myself - I wish I did-, but the resourceful Canadian David Ley preceded me. Um. Yes, okay then. How? Well, simply explained: you buy a clitoral stimulator and use it to vibrate your voice muscles with :-) The reason that this item isn't yet on the market for singers is most likely because the sex industry is [...]

A vibrator for your voice as a new best friend!?2022-01-31T16:15:46+01:00

The difference between the SOVT-Trainer, voice straw, lax vox & bubbling.


VOICEMAG THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE  SOVT-TRAINER,  VOICE STRAW, LAX VOX & BUBBLING. Singing through tubes is a technique that can work wonders for the voice and is commonly referred to as “SOVT training.” Individuals familiar with the world of vocal training have likely discovered various methods of tube singing, including singing through a tube in a water bottle, using a straw, or using the SOVT Trainer developed by Mind The Voice. How is SOVT training beneficial for the voice? SOVT training is highly regarded in the world of vocal practice due to its proven [...]

The difference between the SOVT-Trainer, voice straw, lax vox & bubbling.2023-04-05T10:27:14+02:00

Are you born with a beautiful voice?


Are you born with a beautiful voice? A short blog for a simple answer on a frequently asked question. "Are you born with a beautiful voice?" When "beautiful" means: powerful and healthy, yes! Read on!     A baby does a lot of things automatically healthy! Where we as adults sometimes forget how to breathe correctly, a baby actually just does it by itself. A baby breathes combined: with the belly and the chest. As the baby becomes a toddler and child, and the child becomes a teenager, he sometimes loses belly breathing. Kids are [...]

Are you born with a beautiful voice?2022-03-21T11:21:28+01:00

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Web: Mind The Voice

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